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final sales中文是什么意思

用"final sales"造句"final sales"怎么读"final sales" in a sentence


  • 最终销售


  • We are on our final sale today
  • Fished all day without a bite ; an ad that got a few bites but no final sales
  • However , it was not clear last night whether the talks would result in a final sale agreement being signed , nor at what price
  • The marketing of jingtai company centered on service is based on the following four aspects : the first is the characteristics of marketing in domestic market , namely , products are exclusively used , with few users and huge purchasing power , the demands have more derivation and less flexibility , the purchasers are highly specialized and professionalized , the buyers and sellers can keep business relationship in long term , and the final sale is implemented ; the second is the reform of marketing mission in chinese catalytic cracking catalyzer market , namely , since the primary entering into the market in early 90s , the marketing mission of enterprises experienced the production mission and promotion mission in succession unconsciously
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